Digital Divine: Exploring the Possibilities for Electromagnetic Entheogens.

MA Thesis Project by Dani Day


What is God, where can I find it, and why am I here? These are all questions that have plagued the minds and souls of humans throughout history, and the use of plant and chemical entheogens to enhance the ability to connect spiritually dates back to the beginning of man’s quest for the answers. (Anthology, 2000) This isn’t about the dogmatic search for a church or the religious containment of belief and behavior. This is more about the collective tendency for humans to seek out and establish a relationship with a higher power or entity. Whether for salvation or enlightenment, the quest crosses geographical, racial, and economic boundaries. (Bowker, 2006)

This project will explore the history, practice and possibilities for using digital media and select frequencies from the electromagnetic spectrum in the form of color and sound as an alternative conduit for spiritual connection. In the age of computers, Internet and mobile forms of digital media, the expansion of potential passageways to divine experience has increased, potentially creating new possibilities for spirituality, and made accessible a personal and individual digital, spiritual connection. The human desire for divine connection is the inspiration and the project goal is to investigate a way to enhance the states of consciousness requisite for spiritual connectedness using new media as the platform for Digital Divine.

The link for all citations can be found at the bottom of the page under research.